Not vacations, but shorter, spontaneous trips. Poles’ travel plans for summer 2021
As much as 63.5 percent. Poles take into account that due to the coronavirus pandemic, they will have to give up their summer vacation plans at the last minute, according to a study commissioned by Europa Ubezpieczenia. At the same time, COVID-19 significantly shortened the average length of a holiday trip in the surveyed group of Poles.
The Europa Ubezpieczenia survey was carried out on March 9-10 using the assisted computer intelligence method – CAWI. 750 people from cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants were asked. residents about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their plans related to leisure and active leisure. They are the most active and mobile people on the market of tourist and sports services.
One-fifth of Poles do not know what they will do during the holidays
„Comparing the plans for this year’s rest with the real holiday behaviors of 2019, it is clear that the pandemic has reduced the time of a holiday trip. At the same time, nearly half of the respondents agreed that due to the coronavirus, they will be more likely to go for several days in the coming summer season, spontaneous trips – at the expense of a longer, planned holiday. This difficult time for everyone has changed the way of planning a holiday vacation. Adapting to these permanent changes in the behavior of Poles will be a challenge for the insurance industry „- says Marat Nevretdinov, president of Europa Ubezpieczenia.
41.3 percent of respondents declare that they will spend this year’s vacation in Poland, and 24.7 percent. planning a trip abroad. 19.9 percent of the surveyed people do not know yet what they will do in summer. 15.9 percent he will spend his vacation in his place of residence and in its immediate vicinity. 9.3 percent he will use it for household chores and cleaning.
Last minute decisions
„On the threshold of the third wave of the pandemic, Poles’ holiday plans are best described by one word: uncertainty. On the one hand, we can expect a storm on domestic resorts and tourist facilities. On the other hand, a large proportion of respondents do not know yet what they will do in the summer. changing restrictions, many of them will decide on their travels at the last minute. If we add to this the high level of readiness to take advantage of quick, short-term insurance – declared by 45.8 percent of respondents – then we can expect a general increase in demand for this type of services ” – says Tomasz Janas, travel insurance expert at Europa Ubezpieczenia.
Among the activities that respondents miss the most after a year of the pandemic and the introduction of restrictions related to active leisure, there are: socializing with friends (67.6 percent), going to a restaurant (67.3 percent of the respondents) and short, spontaneous 1- and 2-day trips (61.9 percent). At the same time, they lack shopping in shopping centers the least – this activity was indicated by only 39.8 percent subjects.
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