The aviation recovering – positive info from (vaccinated) USA and Israel
Vaccines bring a significant change in the airline travel market? Good news from the US spill into the rest of the world? Poland Unfortunately at the end of the queue?
A number of positive news from the aviation industry/air tickets from USA and Israel have reached us. It seems that we are dealing with a violent back of demand for industry services.
Vaccinated go shopping, rapid increase in demand in the group +65
Very interesting data on purchases of airline tickets was published by Bank of America (vide graphics). It results from them that the exponential increase in booking among seniors aged 65+. This group has been largely vaccinated as the first.
So you can draw conclusions that people vaccinated immediately joined shopping, directing their priorities to family visits. The behavior of this group and its determination for purchases of air products is a very good prognosis for the industry.
Another interesting medical information that will support the exiting from the industry crisis is the one published by Lancet. And treating about the risk of re-infection among various age groups. She also carries a large dose of optimism, this time, when it comes to the segment of the most mobile business, 40-50 years old.
American airlines on rape restore to the service of subsequent planes
We have already got used to a message about the mass parking of passenger aircraft on distant airports and even desert. Now for a variety, good information reaches us. Again, America vaccinated here.
The FlightGlobal service announced last week that American carriers re-included over 250 aircraft in response to the increase in demand for their services.
Additional demand coincides with restoring to service Boeing 737 Max. This is good news for airlines that would otherwise a real headache. What to do with additional surpluses in the form of planes of this brand/series?
American Airlines announces an ambitious resume plan for transatlantic routes
As for good information, it was not enough to get those from American Airlines. The American giant announced further height / restoring transatlantic routes. From currently operated 6 to 16 near the start of the summer season.
To a large extent, these are the routes between Great Britain and USA, however, not only. They will get their routes to return, among others Barcelona, Milan and Paris. You should expect that similar decisions will take another key to American players.
Also in this case, you can see that demand returns mainly between vaccinated states.
Israel also wants to fly although the government is skeptical
A big batalia also has a place in Israel. Despite significant successes in the area of vaccination, the government does not want to agree to a more liberal journey policy.
Industry and citizens in Sukurs came the Supreme Court. He announced the unconstitutionality of restrictions on people who could return to the country. Until now, only 3,000 people per day could cross the borders of Israel.
Airlines reacted at this court position immediately. American UA confirmed that they are able to resume up to 13 connections per week with Israel. Both with your base in Newark and San Francisco.
Poland – far from the population cleavage, we’ll wait for a revival longer?
Although information flowing from the USA and Israel is extremely positive, and give the industry’s hopes, this perspective can not be enjoyed from a Polish perspective. As of today, we are leaders in the field of quoting new COVID cases.
A vaccination program in Poland is also far from a good organization. Confusion with Moderna vaccines, causes that we are basically sentenced to Astra Zenca. Further shifting vaccination dates for subsequent groups does not provide well about securing supplies also the latter.
So you can assume that also in the area of return to air normality we will be recently in the queue. The hope for the Tour of Operators can be mentioned above. The 30-50 years old client group is a group of tourism to the charter customers. On that base you can effectively sell the summer offer 2021. The more that IATA tries to constantly confirm us in the belief that infection on the plane is unlikely.
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